1 Thessalonians 5:18New International Version (NIV)
18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
Generally, my life is boring. I don't have much to write about, because one day just seems to run into the next. But, the last couple of weeks have been a little too interesting- both good and bad. So, when I look back on those days, I think of this verse, and hope that I have remembered to give thanks in all circumstances.
There have been some really difficult days. My mom and my aunt are both dealing with some serious health issues. Both have spent some time in the hospital; both had close calls.
Although I naturally pray for them to get better, I also realize the close calls could have gone south, fast. How can I be thankful? Well, it wasn't too hard. I am so thankful for their faith and love of God, and passing it down to their children. I knew exactly where they would be for eternity, if/when God calls them home. So, even when I was very sad, and trying not to be worried, I could be very thankful.
God things have also happened this last week. Months of practice paid off. My son would get up at 5 am, so he could use the school practice rooms before school. Marching band practice lasted until 5 pm, and then there were games or private lessons to attend. He was burning his candle at both ends. But, their band came in 1st, with a superior rating and 4 of 6 of the caption awards. If you know anything about marching band, you know this is a BIG DEAL.
Monday, he also found out that he was accepted to an International Honors Band. He, and seven other students, will be traveling to Washington state next month.
Again, I am thankful. He has worked very hard toward this goal. I am grateful that God has given him this ability. It might also lead to scholarship opportunities, which would be such a blessing.
Late last night, my daughter called to say that someone ran into her parked car. The girl had insurance, so she wasn't too worried. The car would be fixed up like new.
Well, I am not sure what the girl was doing. She wasn't drunk. Was she texting?
Unfortunately, when my daughter took it to the garage today, he said that the car was going to be totaled. The girl had done even more damage to the underside of the car that we can't see.
My girl called, so sad. You see, this car is really special. The day before she got her driver's license, she won this car in a drawing. The school district and car dealership had teamed up to encourage kids to strive for perfect attendance. She was one of the few that qualified for the car.
I am sad for my daughter; but, I can still give thanks. This car was a Godsend! I couldn't help her get a decent car before college. It has been a wonderful car for her. Also, she wasn't in the car, when the girl hit it. No one was hurt. It is just really sad. She took good care of it, and it only had 35,000 miles on it. It would probably have lasted her another 10 years.
Another sad thing happened in the last week. My great-niece, who isn't even 2 1/2 fell and broke her arm. As a parent, there is nothing worse than when your baby is sick or hurt, and you can't make it better. Again, our family gives thanks, because this sweet girl isn't in pain. In fact, it hasn't slowed her down much. We are thankful that the doc set the bone well.
Another sad thing happened in the last week. My great-niece, who isn't even 2 1/2 fell and broke her arm. As a parent, there is nothing worse than when your baby is sick or hurt, and you can't make it better. Again, our family gives thanks, because this sweet girl isn't in pain. In fact, it hasn't slowed her down much. We are thankful that the doc set the bone well.
About yesterday, while waiting for the doc to check her arm, my niece had this to say:
"Everyone was charmed and heartbroken by the little lady with the broken arm. In fact, when people would crouch down and say, "oooooooooh what happened?" Her response was, "I broke my arm, but I be okay. I got my mommy."
It was actually what this little lady said that got me thinking. She said she would be okay, because she had her mother. We can learn a lot from that seemingly simple statement.
How many times have we been hurt or sad? How many times have we complained to God, for even the smallest things. Some people even blame God, when life gets tough. Instead, why not believe and say:
I'll be okay. I have my Father.
In everything give thanks.
"Everyone was charmed and heartbroken by the little lady with the broken arm. In fact, when people would crouch down and say, "oooooooooh what happened?" Her response was, "I broke my arm, but I be okay. I got my mommy."
It was actually what this little lady said that got me thinking. She said she would be okay, because she had her mother. We can learn a lot from that seemingly simple statement.
How many times have we been hurt or sad? How many times have we complained to God, for even the smallest things. Some people even blame God, when life gets tough. Instead, why not believe and say:
I'll be okay. I have my Father.
In everything give thanks.